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Michigan association for play therapy

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Presidential Ponderings

12/12/2022 6:14 PM | Anonymous

Greetings Playmates!

The garden is resting for the winter. As I sit, avoiding some new reports I should be doing, I’m sipping on some chocolate tea and enjoying one of the fruits of our spring and summer labor. Eh, it’s the holiday season and this is supposed to be my morning off so those reports will have to wait!
I’m still extra hyped up about play therapy after the APT conference in October. It was invigorating, and even a little overwhelming to be in a room with over 2000 play therapists. Sitting next to some of the authors and presenters from whom I’ve learned AND being able to make friends with them made me feel like one of the “cool kids.”
After an experience like the APT conference, I am more committed than ever to doing all I can to help MIAPT grow and thrive. There just aren’t enough play therapists. Many of us have waiting lists. Thousands of children who need help are completely unserved or are served by clinicians who are not adequately trained to provide the best treatment for them. What can I do to spread interest in play therapy among other professionals? How can I help to make certain that more therapists are trained in play therapy? How can I build excitement among our members and inspire them to become more involved? 
I don’t have all of the answers to my questions. I do know that I can’t spread play therapy across the state by myself. Each and every person reading these words holds a small piece of the answer to my questions. Together, we can do much more than any one of us can do alone. Together, we can grow our organization and help it to thrive. Please join me in talking with others about play therapy. Become a part of one of the committees and get more involved. Run for a board position in the upcoming election. Working together, we can reach more of the clients in this state who need the help of play therapists.


Diana Steketee, LLP, Registered Play Therapist
President, MIAPT 2022-2023

2020 Raybrook Avenue, S.E., Suite 305 | Grand Rapids, MI 49546

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